The Frontier Within

To launch The Frontier Within, we created an immersive installation and website that brought people face to face with their bodies.

“Taking people on a journey inward, we aim to demonstrate that Thorne is pushing the limits of health from the inside out”

- Neil Heymann , CCO, Droga5.


In artistic endeavors like this, t

here is often a delicate balance you have to negotiate between emphasizing the product/brand and crafting an immersive experience that isn’t adulterated by commercialization.

This challenge is a great opportunity for a producer as you are able to partner with your stakeholders—listening closely to their aspirations and representing their best interests while upholding the creative vision and objective of the campaign.

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What I learned collaborating with world renowned artists and technologists

Marshmallow Laser Feast is a leader in immersive experiences. Collaborating with Barney, Ersin & Alex offered me a master class in conceiving and mapping out user journeys at the highest level of craft.

Active Theory has brought to life some of the best experiences online. Working with Andy, Michael and Annie shifted my expectations and ambitions for what is possible on the web.

Plan8 heightened all of the work, underpinning the experience through their sonic landscapes. I enjoyed learning from their process as the online and physical experiences came together.


Angry Birds